Thursday, September 29, 2011

Life keeps movin' on

I feel like it has been hard to keep up with blogging lately. That and I don't know what to write about. I am too tired and pulled in too many different directions to take the time to sit down and write. We are doing a homeschool co-op on Mondays, and it's been kicking my tail. And the last week we've had something going on everyday. That is not normal. And I hope it doesn't become the new normal. But life goes in seasons, it ebbs and flows. But I did get some recent pictures of the kids because I realized it's been a while since I have taken any.

And the list of gifts continue....

161. air cooling enough we don't need the air conditioner
162. cup of coffee in the evening
163. friends visiting
164. snuggling with my 4 year old
165. fall
166. perfect song at the perfect moment
167. new life
168. moon rising over the mountains, above the clouds
169. stillness of twilight
170. tiger-striped kittens
171. purrs
172. brave men and women who protect us
173. picking pears
174. freedom
175. grace
176. girls playing with balloons
177. fall decorations
178. baby feet
179. Eskimo kisses
180. girls going with dad for the afternoon

We are preparing for a trip back to the good ol' state of Pennsylvania next week. My gracious mother in law is bravely going with me and the four kids. What's that you ask? Why, yes, of course we are driving the THIRTY-SIX hours back. Am I crazy? Well, no, but ask me when I get home!!!!


the joyful potter said...

Wish we could've gotten a chance to connect while you were in, but we were getting ready to go away to the mountains for five days. Is life back to "normal" yet?

Your children are adorable, of course, but the sky pictures just blow me away! Good job keeping up with the gifts, too!

Laura said...

thanks Lorena! Our time always goes so fast when we come in, and with going up to Twin Springs this time, that cut into our time as well. Hope you guys had a great time away. Life is getting back to normal. Always seems to take a little bit! :)