Saturday, January 21, 2012

January Fun

With the advanced technology we have today, living in Arizona doesn't always feel as far away from Pennsylvania, where almost all of my family is. I can easily catch up with family and friends on Facebook, or Skype. But when I got up this morning and saw that there was snow in PA, it made me smile to think that my kids were doing this yesterday afternoon......

It was a nice 70 degrees plus here. So the kids decided to play with the water hose and get all kinds of muddy! As you can see, Landon took a spill somewhere. It was really quite funny. I know it's just the beginning of mud becoming a part of my life on a more regular basis.

In other exciting news, we have another big girl in the house....
She very coolly and calmly pulled out her two bottom teeth yesterday. So the tooth fairy made her appearance last night after the girls fell asleep. It was so funny to hear them giggle with delight this morning as they woke up and found two shiny coins under the toothless one's pillow. The tooth fairy in this house believes in leaving coins. When you have five children, you need to conserve!!! :)

And lastly, I thought I would leave you with this beauty. I got to witness this earlier this week during my quiet time in the morning. Even though it's still a struggle to get out of bed while it's still dark outside, I do enjoy seeing this out my window.....

Hope you have a relaxing and blessed weekend!!!

1 comment:

the joyful potter said...

Oh, gorgeous sunrise!! Thanks for sharing that. (and the tooth fairy leaves coins at our house, too!)