Friday, November 9, 2012


I know it's been a while since I have's not as if there hasn't been anything going on. I just haven't had the time to sit down and write anything. That's not really true....there's a lot of times where I feel as though I don't have anything to say....
But I did want to share a really neat thing from over at A Holy Experience. Ann Voskamp is offering a Thanksgiving Tree. You can download the pdf and cut out your leaves. The leaves have bible verses on one side and you can write what you are thankful for on the other....

It's a great way to get the kids thinking about things they are thankful for and the bountiful way God blesses us each and every day. The link is

In other news....the boy is potty training! And praise the Lord he is so much easier than his sisters! I am so thankful. This is one of my least favorite parts of toddlerdom. But he is making it a breeze. And running me out of M&Ms! But hey, whatever works, right?

My baby girl is just growing like a weed. She will be six months this month. Half a year old. I can still remember every detail of her birth like it was yesterday. It seems unreal how time is just flying by.

I got bored the other night and cut my bangs. I have inherited expressive face lines. That's a fancy way of saying I've got lotsa lines on my forehead. I thought it might be nice to hide them, hence the bangs. Now I need to get my hair highlighted to cover up all my grays. Not that I am stressed or anything....

The house is moving along S L O W L Y. We are ready for carpet except we have been waiting on closet doors for the last two months. Yes, TWO months!!!! I won't say from where, but now it looks as though they should be in Black Friday. Who wants to go pick up closet doors on Black Friday? Not this girl. You couldn't get me within five miles of a store on Black Friday. Guess it's good I live at least 30 miles from any store!!! :)

I think the reason I haven't had anything to write about is because I haven't been reading any mind stretching books lately. That could be because I have all my books packed up because I thought we'd be moved by now!!! Of course, I have been trying to read my Bible everyday, although I totally missed the last week of October. My mind should be stretched by reading that alone, however I think my approach to my Bible reading is wrong. I rarely pray before getting into the Word and ask God to show me something new. I need to start doing that. God's Word is alive and I need to approach it that way. Not in a familiar, nonchalant, indifferent way.

We are supposed to get really cold this weekend and possibly get snow up in the mountains. I put flannel sheets on all the beds in anticipation. I heart flannel sheets. They are so cozy and comfy. Too bad I live in the high desert where we hardly ever get snow. I love all the cold weather clothes but by lunchtime out here you are ready to break out the tank tops.

One of my oldest friends, we've known each other since 3rd grade (her) , fourth grade (me) is coming to visit me tomorrow! She's expecting her 4th in February and I can't wait to see her in all her pregnancy glory. I miss these things because we don't live near each other. I wish Pennsylvania was New Mexico. Life would be so much more convenient.

Well, my baby is starting to stir, so I must go. Have a great weekend!

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